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Clydesdales in a World of Unicorns
Clydesdales in a World of Unicorns

I might be going out on a limb. Hanging by a thread. Treading on thin ice. But that’s how I feel poking a bit of fun at Vu Le and Nonprofit AF, whose Monday morning musings often give me a chuckle while raising important issues about the ways that funders and...

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This post originally appeared on the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation blog. In the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking a lot about my late parents. For my father, who served as an infrantryman in World War II and marched with Dr. King, seeing men...

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2016: A Year in Review at CEP
2016: A Year in Review at CEP

2016 marked CEP’s 15th anniversary. In the decade and a half since its founding, CEP has published nearly 40 pieces of research, worked closely with more than 300 funders through our assessments and advisory services, hosted six national conferences, and...

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A Look at a Year at CEP
A Look at a Year at CEP

“In a year that saw political polarization and strife, we were also reminded, in 2015, that progress and positive change happens.Marriage equality became a reality and, when you look closely, it turns out that effective foundations were instrumental players in this...

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Philanthropy for What?
Philanthropy for What?

John Oliver. Peter Thiel. The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. We were catching up on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when my husband leaned over to me and asked, “So, is that philanthropy? Is that what it’s for?” John Oliver had just finished, in his typical...

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